This effort started back in 2011 with an attempt to gain an understanding of all the books I’ve gathered and read during the first half of my career. My tool of choice was LibraryThing, then a subscription-based online service designed to help people catalog their books easily. From its inception in 2005, LibraryThing has grown over the years to a full-fledged social network for book lovers (and their libraries) everywhere.
You can explore my full set of collections on LibraryThing, or clicking any of the covers in the animated widget below.
Click the links below to learn more about:
- Exploring the LibraryThing collection page (coming soon)
- Understanding book pages (coming soon)
In 2016, LibraryThing launched TinyCat to transform collections in LibraryThing into a simple and attractive small library catalogs.
You can explore the TinyCat catalog of my collections here.
Click the links below to learn more about:
- Understanding TinyCat catalog pages (coming soon)